タイプ: | integer |
デフォルト: | 100 |
分: | 1 |
最大: | 262143 |
コンテキスト: | postmaster |
再起動: | true |
データベースサーバに同時接続する最大数を決定します。 デフォルトは典型的に100接続ですが、カーネルの設定が(initdbの過程で)それをサポートしていない場合、もっと少なくなることがあります。 このパラメータはサーバ起動時のみに設定可能です。
推奨事項 [EN]
Should be set to the maximum number of connections which you expect to need at peak load. Note that each connection uses shared_buffer memory, as well as additional non-shared memory, so be careful not to run the system out of memory. In general, if you need more than 200 connections, you should probably be making more use of connection pooling.
On StackOverflow
On pgsql-hackers
- Re: allow changing autovacuum_max_workers without restarting
- Re: Fix the description of GUC "max_locks_per_transaction" and "max_pred_locks_per_transaction" in guc_table.c
- RE: Connection limits/permissions, slotsync workers, etc
- Re: [DOC] Add detail regarding resource consumption wrt max_connections
- Re: Issue with the PRNG used by Postgres